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  • How do I sign up for my online BKM membership?
    1. Under join now, click on the "Workout Videos" tab 2. Subscribe to the video channel ($9.99 a month) by paying for the membership with PayPal 3. You're now a member of the BKM virtual gym experience!
  • I've purchased my online membership! How can I access the meal plans and report my progress?
    1. You need to have subscribed to the channel under "workout videos" 2. Go onto the tab "meal plans" and "report your progress" and create an account 3. Within a business day, you will be accepted for membership and you will be able to log in and access meal plans and progress reports
  • If I'm already a BKM member, do I get a discount on my online membership?"
    1. Yes! If you are a BKM Member at the gym in St. Louis, you pay $9.99 for the online membership in the "Workout Videos" tab. 2. Then, you get a $5 discount on your monthly gym mebership. 3. Pay here for your discounted gym membership (only if you are a current BKM gym and virtual gym member)
  • If I just want to pay my monthly gym membership (no online membership), where do I do so?"
  • If I am only a member of the online gym, how can I get a more personalized experience?"
    With further payment options, we can get you a phone consultation, more personalized meal plans and more tailored workouts. Just shoot us an email at


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